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World War: Fight For Freedom [No Ads]

作者: 发布site:2024-06-21 11:11点击:9

World War: Fight For Freedom - detailed and impressive first-person shooterfor android devices.Realistic physics Given first-person shooter for Android will offer you to play the role of a commander of a defense garrison and you will have to become a direct participant in the introduction of hostilities, think over competent tactical and strategic maneuvers, shoot from a variety of weapons, ranging from conventional rifles to double turrets . You have to destroy enemy combat units, including infantry, ground and air military equipment, high-tecrummy game listh robots and water equipment. A wide range of weapons You can download a first-person shooter for Android and evaluate the well-developed levels of the campaign, the opportunity to take part in various game events and touaments online, ea game experience and trophies, unlock even more various weapons, reaching large-caliber weapons, lasers and blasters. Well-developed visual design with good detail, realistic physics, simple controls and auxiliary boosters, as well as an incredible number of enemy vehicles and combat units to destroy.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 81.54 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newNew technique added;Bugs fixed.Update history-----

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